Another view of the data...
So, here we go.
The positives:
- I ran over 50% of the course by time (which means it was probably well over 50% of the distance, but I haven't figure out how to slice and dice the data in training peaks or garmin to pull that data out - I may write a script to extract it from the XML directly).
- Fueling during the race was much better.
- The minor hills didn't bother me.
- The ankle did fine.
- I didn't finish dead last in either my age group or overall. :-)
- Depending on how much I trust the Hot Chocolate run data where I lost the GPS because I was in the 99 tunnel, I may have had my fastest mile.
The negatives:
- Pacing, pacing, pacing. Yeesh. Coach even gave me the virtual head slap before the race to go slow. And here I thought I was going slow bobbing and weaving through the crowds at the start. They had three corrals and I was in corral C. The cool people are always at the back, right? My goal was to run around a 1:00:00 - 1:05:00. I finished at 1:06:36. Not far off, but if I had done a better job of pacing I would have ended in my goal range. I did have to stop and tie my shoe at mile 1, so let's just say I lost 30 seconds there.
- I need to work on pre-race jitters - I slept horribly the night before. That'll come with experience, I'm sure.
- Weather! Interesting race - started off at 42 degrees and was nearly 60 by the end - that mucked with things a bit. I did notice as the temperature climbed, my pace slowed. That is by far the warmest I've run in yet.
- Water stations are amusing - I think I got more on me than in me.
I am proud of the fact that this is the longest race distance I have done yet. I had only ever done one 5K race and one sprint triathlon before I started up this training and now I've gone beyond that in a short amount of time. I've done 4 5K races, 1 8K race, and I've got a 12K race that is only 7 weeks away. I'm also poking around looking for a 10K race before that.
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