Thursday, February 7, 2013

First triathlon of the season...

Is now booked for, wait for it, on February 17th and it's local.

I'm sure I can hear some peoples wheels turning and wondering where in the heck I could be doing a triathlon in February. It's an indoor triathlon in Issaquah.

My coach suggested this one to me as a good way to get my feet wet (pun only partly intended).

It's a really interesting concept. You swim for 15 minutes, then bike for 30 minutes on a computerized trainer (with your own bike calibrated), and then run a 3 mile course. So, it's sort of a simulation of a sprint distance race. It's pretty cool, and it'll get me sort of used to doing all of these things back to back. I've done a triathlon before, many years ago - like 12 years ago or so, but I need to know how to do this right - my first triathlon was done on a mountain bike with knobby tires. Anyway, what I can do is figure out clothing, transition issues, and other such stuff. It'll also give me a chance to go full out and just see what I can do.

This sounds like a blast and I'm glad I got pointed to it... If you're interested, here's the link:

That charging sound you hear is a sprinting buffalo. :)

As part of my ongoing goal to put my goals out there for people to see (keeps me motivated and accountable), I'll be posting my race schedule (big races) soon.

Thanks again to my readers and I hope that these are interesting, motivational, entertaining, or just not boring things to read! If you have suggestions on things you'd like to hear from me or not - feel free to post a comment or drop me a line.

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