Sorry about that readers ... this week has been pretty busy and I just haven't gotten back to the blog and unfortunately this one will be a little short because I've got to get caught up on my sleep.
All is well. As expected on Monday, I hit one of my major milestones when I blew through the 100 pounds lost mark. Since I started this journey, it's now down 105, but I've blogged about that already. I've had some pretty decent bike workouts this week on both the trainer, and then more importantly outside.
I got out there with Krista, one of my new friends, from my coach's group on Wednesday night and we went out and biked Mercer Island. This is the first time I've probably done any kind of real ride on a bike in close to 15 years (probably when I did my triathlon many years ago). It was hard, but in a good way - I felt tired at the end, but I also felt giddy in a way. I may not have been past, but I went up the hills, even if I had to drop down into the granny gear. I didn't stop and I just kept going. Thanks Krista for giving me that push into the wild blue to get it done. Of course, it wasn't really blue skies as the rain came early and we got soaked! But it was fun anyway.
So where do I stand mentally and how am I feeling. I'm feeling quite good actually. The A.R.T. therapy on my ankle seems to be paying benefits. The ankle is getting more flexible and it hurts less. I'm riding and it felt better (except for one night on the trainer). My running is still progressing. I've got a 5k race this weekend. I've got an 8K race next weekend. I feel like I'm on track to get to Miami and get it done. I know I've definitely got work to do in front of me, but that's expected. What I feel is hope and pride that I've made it this far.
As I've been training and working at my weight loss, I've had good days and I've had bad days and I expect that. The think I'm really working on is to make sure that the bad days are not self inflicted. I think many people have that struggle where the self-doubt kicks in and the voices in your head tell you, you can't do it, you're not worth it, you're a failure, and so on. It's hard sometimes to quiet that voice and make yourself believe that you can. We all have challenges that require us to overcome them and life can throw you curveballs - but what we don't need is making ourselves even more challenged by throwing roadblocks in the way that are of our own creation.
Do I have a magic pill for it or some sage advice, sadly, no. But I found a quote from Laird Hamilton that I have written down and I keep it with me. "Make sure your own worst enemy doesn't live between your own two ears".
T-3 days to the Hot Chocolate 5K
T-10 days to the 408K!
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