Monday, February 25, 2013

The eagle has landed

Sort of.

It's official now. I've gone to the 100+ lbs lost mark. It's 100 by the official program, but if I go back to the records and look at where I was when I started training for my triathlons, it was another 5.2 pounds higher than that, so I'm calling it 105. It's amazing progress to think that I've cut over 25% of my body weight off. It's actually about 27% and change. I'm now well over half way to my goal racing weight, or at least what I think will be my racing weight.

Let's call this the eagle has executed a touch and go since we're not done yet.

I will have to keep this short because I have an unholy flight at o-dark-early in the AM and I'm already not going to get much sleep. 

On the bike for just over 30 minutes tonight. I wanted to go 45, but I'm still having saddle comfort issues. The good news is that I was doing a much better job of keeping my pacing up around 90.

I'm working on a post about self-image as I've had multiple requests from multiple corners now to post a before and current picture to show the change in how I look. There are struggles I am going to have with doing that, but I will do it - now I just need to actually find such pictures.

I leave you with this thought tonight, it's a bit of a Yoda-ism...

Strength, you have. Heart you have. Fear, you must lose. It's is fear that holds us back from accomplishing great heights.

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