Monday, February 4, 2013

Milestone in the rear view mirror!

It's now official, I hit the milestone I was hoping to hit (and actually blew past it!).

I dropped 5.2 lbs over the last week and have now dipped below 300 and I'm screaming up on the 100 pound lost mark.

Let's just say it's been a good few days.
Longest run ever (10K). Check.
Beat my goal time for long run. Check.
Got in a good solid hour of hills on the bike. Check
Dropped below 300. Check.
Lost more than my weekly average. Check.

Every week builds more confidence in the fact that, not only can I lose the weight, but I can also hit my athletic goals and I will complete the half-ironman and I will move to a full ironman triathlon.

My swimming is coming along pretty well. My coach thinks my swimming is not nearly as bad as I thought it was. I do have form and endurance to work on, but that's to be expected.

The running is coming along - still not at the speeds and distances that I'm needing, but I will get there.

Things are looking good!

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